BASEBALL TEAM. FRONT ROW; Paul, Winter, White, Fauss, Plummer. SECOND ROW, Miller, 8rawn, Jeter, Green , Maddox, Willard. THIRD BASEBALL • • ROW: Simpson, Henry, Hollingsworth, Morfin, Harris, McClelion. FOURTH ROW, Cox, Hopper, 8ailey, Jernigon, Coach Altmon . Baseball nine Improve season, look to next year For tile second consecutive year Coach Ted Altman faced the formidable task of building the 1965 baseball team largely from freshman and sophomore aspirants. Since the nucleus of the team consisted of football and basketball players, concentrated practice could not begin until tile conclusion of the basketball season and spring football practice on February 28. Lacking in consistent hitting power and limited in effective pitching strength, the Bisons h ad to rely upon tight fielding, daring base running, and heads-up baseball at all tinlcs. In conference play the Bisons won 4 and lost 8 games to tie with Arkansas A&M and Southern State for fifth place in AIC standings. In non - conference games with Southern Baptist College and LillIe Rock University the Bisons fared much beller. winning 6 and losing only one game to give them a 10-9 season. Mike Plummer, sophomore pitching ace, was chosen to th e 1965 All-AIC baseball team as a pitcher. Plummer was credited with the doubleheader win over Arkansas A&M, relieving the final four innings of the first game and going the route in the finale . Gary Simpson, sophomore center fielder who was runner-up for team batting honors, received honorable mention for the All-AIC team. 96 Mike Plummer, AII·Ale choice for the pitcher 's position, shows the style that won him this pos ition by striking out a prospective hitter. •