·965 TENNIS TEAM . Joel White, Jerry Reoves, Mel Gombrell, Terry SmIth Ned Bool , Tony Webb fourth Ale ranks tennis team named In • through on a relurn boll is two-yeor lettermon Terry Smith. Webb sloms 0 serve to the opposi te cou rt during doily proctice. The 1965 tennis t eam was built a round ve terall n etmen Ned Boaz, Mel Ga mb rell , T er ry Smith, and T ony W ebb, wh o reported to Coach Hugh Groover early in March . Playing 12 contes ts before the confer ence tournament May 10-11 , th e Bison netmen won nine of the twelve contes ts. frequently winning all fi ve singles ma tch es and both doubl es matches. T eams defea ted we re Littl e Rock Unive rsity, Arkan sas T ech , Arkansas State T each ers College, Arkansas State CoVege, and Southern State College. H a rdi ng l os t twice to Hendrix College and to Ou achita Ba ptist U ni ver - sity once. In the AIC tourn am ent th e Biso ns pla ced fourth beh ind Oua ch ita, H endri x, and ASTC.