TRACK TEAM. FRONT ROW, B. Dye, G. Parrish, J. Brown, P. Merre ll, l. EoH, G. McDaniel, J. Higginbotham. SECOND ROW, Coach Lloyd. M . Curry, B. West, K. Smith , l. Culbreath, J. Street, P. New. TH IRD ROW, TRACK C. Hargrove, J. Kee , T. Bateman, J. Baker, K. Ellingwood, C. Clark, D. Johnson. Mile relay team takes first place with big effort Climaxing the most successful track season in Harding' s history, the Bison cindermen won the 1965 AIC meet with 43 points, 10 points above Southern Sta te College, the chief contender. Cliff Clark, veteran dis tance man, set two conferen ce r ecords with a 4: 15.Z mile run and a 9 :43.4 twomile run . The mile r elay team composed of Mike Curry, Phil New, Jerry Baker , and Kent Smith set a new conference r ecord of 3: 19.Z in a thrilling race. Other first-place winners for Harding were Jerry Baker with a 1:54.5 in the 880-yard run, Kent Smith with a 48.6 in the 440-yard run and Tommy Bateman with a jump of 6'6'4" in the high jump. After his 1965 confer en ce champion crosscountry team had returned from the NAIA meet in Omaha, Neb. , Dr. R. T. Clark assisted by Coach Ted Lloyd began conditioning a ll track aspirants for their respective spring track events. On February Z7, Tom Bateman placed fifth in high jump a t the Mason-Dixon Games, Louisville, Ky., while some of h is teamma tes were earning sixth place in the Memphis Indoor Meet. On March 6, in the Fort Worth Outdoor Meet, Ba teman placed third in high jump and Cliff Clark placed third in the mile run . On March Z6, the Bisons placed seventh in the Memphis Outdoor Meet . In the NAIA meet in Sioux City, S. D ., on June 4-5, Ba teman placed fifth in high jump. 92 AIC mile reloy chomps Curry, Boker, New, Smith, and Brown stort the doily workout that prepared them 10 earn ,h is top.notch position.