CROSS-COUNTRY TEAM. FRONT ROW: Thompson, Headl ey, Brown, Dr.. Cla rk, Griff in , Shenfield . SECOND ROW: Crawford , Clark, Merre ll, F. McClish, B. McCl ish , Ell ingwood , Moon , Huey, Dr. Hedrick. CROSS-COUNTRY National title gives Harding harriers new status During the summer of 1965, Dr. R. T. Clark, Harding's dynamic cross-country coach and physical fitness authority, had 15 boys sca tter ed across th e na tion following a rigorou s training sch edule in prepar a tion for the 1965 cross-country season duri ng the first h alf of the fa ll semester. Enthusias ti cally following the rigorou s training sch edule outlin ed by Coach Clark, the Bison harriers demonstra ted th eir prowess by placing second to powerfu l Abilene Christian College in the Harding invita tional meet . Cliff Clark, a senior, and Jim Crawford, a freshman, placed second and third. In the AlC meet h os ted by Harding a t the country club golf course, the Bison har riers achieved the ultima te in cross-country by posing a per - fect score of 15 against seven conference teams. The first six men and the eighth man to fini sh the four-mil e course wore the black and gold colors . Cliff Cla rk concluded a brilliant collegiate crosscountry career by placing twelfth in the NAlA meet at Omah a, Neb. The Bisons placed seventh na tionally though slowed by snow and subfreezing wea ther in contrast to the balmy wea ther to which th ey were accustomed. Since Clark, Baker and Merrell are the only seniors, prospects are bri ght for th e coming season . 90 Dr. Olree , di rector of othletics, slands at the finish line as top Bison horrier Cl iff Clork comes in first to assure Harding a decisive victory.