1965-1966 Yearbook

BASKETBALL TEAM. TOP ROW: Brown, Robb , Alexander, Volentine, Hughes, Crow, Wh itaker , Medley, Bell . BOTTOM ROW: Goss, McKeel , lomb, McKenzie, Price, Holt , Kerby , Fraz ie r, Cone . BASKETBALL Bisons show spirit and desire • rugged play Although an outstanding group of freshmen prospects h ad been recruited by Coach Hugh Groover, h e faced th e formidable task of replacing two 1965 All-Confer ence seniors - Ned Boaz and Gary Goss - who had r anked among the top five in con ference scoring the previou s year and had provided supe rb leadership. Harold Alexa nder. so phomore guard, became the team "quarterback." Ronnie Brown , sophomore forward, provided a consistent scoring threat by leading the conference in scori ng mos t of the season and setting a new sch ool scoring r ecord of 47 points in th e horne ga me aga in st Arkansas T ech . Don Medl ey, senior center , and John Valentine, junior guard, were erra ti c in some games but th ey were outstanding on both offense and defense in other games. Glen Whitaker. senior forward, gave ex tra effort in blocking opponent's shots and in getting r ebounds. Although the Bisons were unable to usc the fast-break offense of the pas t two seasons, they demonstra ted fin e ball-handling ability and improved outside shooting. Lack of offensive rebounding strength, however, weakened th e scoring threat a t cru cial times. The brilli ant play of several freshmen players gave bright hopes for the next three yea rs. Mike Lamb and Bobby McKeel thrilled specta tors with their shoo ting ability - Lamb with a so ft jump shot from th e corn er s and McKeel with a long outside set shot. The juni or varsity team demonstra ted grea t scoring strength and los t only one ga me during the season . 86 Encircled by key team members Alexander, Kerby, Medley , and Brown , Coach Hugh Groover n!veols offens ive game tacfics fa be used.