nebacker David Wofford ploys off the offensive l ineman un til he can charoe Through to sTop the M illsaps wingback before he can Tu rn upfield . Bisons upset the league power • Ale football guard Wayne Hodnell shows why he STorts aT This position con'llng from a li neman's spot to couse The quarterback to fumble . The Bisons n ext met conference leader Arkansas A&M at Pine Bluff and played superb foo tball, winning 14-10. Determ ined defensive play held A&M 14 times inside the 10-yard line. The Homecoming crowd was thrill ed with the 14-0 victory over Millsaps College. Thi~ was followed by a 38-0 victory over the College of the Ozarks. The la st home g-ame of the season was a defensive battle against Henderson Sta te with Har - ding eking out a 7-6 victory on the accura te ki cking of Donnie Cox. With the possibility of a ti e for the confer en ce champion ship at stake, the Bisons went to Russell - ville for the fin al game of the season . The Bisons stopped Tech' s openi ng drive but a field goal gave Tech a 3-0 lead. On the last play of the fi rs t quarter Howard broke away on a 71-yard touch - down run giving Harding a 7-3 lead tha t h eld until the closing minutes of the game when Tech pushed across a touchdown for a 10-7 victory. Elected to the coaches All -Al C offensive team were Jimmy Howard, h alfback, and Pete Henry, center , and to the All -AlC defensive team was Donnie Cox, halfback. Ga il Mote received honor - able mention for fullback. Senior s completing their eligibility were Mote, Berni e Cox, Randy Crider, Dan Samanie, Robin Algee and Dickie Dean . 85