1965-1966 Yearbook

lonnie Killen and Dennis Manuel, defensive linemen for the Bisons , stop .... boll carr ier el the line of scrimmage to thwart a runn ing ottack . Traveling to Lawton, Okla., for the opening game against Northwes tern Sta te College on September 18, the Bisons jumped ahead 16-0 in the first half and h eld on in the last half for a 16-13 victory. Fired up over thi s vic tory and th£ enthusias ti c backing of the student body, the team looked forwa rd to the first conference game aga inst South ern State. Lac k of ex perience of freshman players r esulted in mistakes tha t permitted Southern Sta te to jump ahead 19-0, but in the second half the Bisons came back strong to ga in a dec ided advantage in the game sta ti sti cs though losing 19-26. The following weekend th e Bisons me t the Ouachita Tigers who jumped to a 13-0 lead a t the half, but the young Bisons thrilled th e h ome crowd in the second h alf as they tied the score 13-13 and were pushing for another touchdown when the time ran out. A large grou p of fans fol - lowed th e Bisons to Conway the following Sa turd ay with hopes of the first football victor y over ASTC, but th e Bears turned in their bes t games of the season and gave th e Bi so ns a 33-8 defeat. Defensive captain and middle linebacker Roger Maddox comes 10 the sideline to talk 10 Coach Prock about de fens ive tact ics to be used. 83