1965-1966 Yearbook

FOOTBALL Spirit and alertness whips lack of experience RESULTS Harding Opponent 16 Northwestern State College 13 (Oklahoma ) 19 South ern State College 26 13 Ouachita Baptist Un iversity 13 8 Arkansas State T each er s College 33 14 Arkansas A&M 10 14 Millsaps College 0 38 College of th e Ozarks 0 7 r fcndersoll State T eachers 6 7 Arkansas Tech 10 After foking a good hand-off to fullback Gail Mote, senior quarterback Bernie Cox keeps the ball and rolls around end for a substantial gain. 82 All-Ale hal fback Jimmy Howard slorls on another one of his ground gaining dri\l~S behind the skilled blocking of Dixon , Mote, and Deon . Fullback Goil Mole crashes through a hole opened by Don Samanie showing a form thot won him honorable mention on the All-Ale team.