fOOTBAll TEAM . FIRST ROW, Coborn, lemons, Plummer, D. Cox, New, Edgar, Kelley, Fl ippen, Howard, Gloss, Ivy. SECOND ROW: Higginbotham Manager), B, Cox, Mote , Algee, Dixon, Wofford, Henry, Howell, Rud · dick, SmiTh, Broderhousen, Dyer, Coach Lloyd. TH IRD ROW, Woodruff, Stephens, Killen , James, Gowen, Moss, Kirkland, Stovall, Crider, Gear, FOOTBALL ~oaz, Cootch Allmon. FOURTH ROW, Garner (Manager), lisle, Henry, Hodnett, Street, Terrell, Carlson, Whitaker, Pennington, Sinquefie ld , Rubio, Copeland, Coach Prock. FIFTH ROW: McGee (Student Coach), Williams, Jernigan, Somanie, Dean, Jeter, McAllister, Maddox, Sharpe, Manuel, Holcomb. Bisons thrill fans with outstanding team effort Jimmy Howard, Halfback Gail Mole , Fullback Donnie Cox, Halfbock Pete Henry, Center Clouds of gloom hovered over the heads of Coach John Prock and hi s staff as football practice began on September 1. Reminiscent of the 2-8 season in 1964-65 was the fa ct that again only six seniors and seven juniors were on th e squad of 65 reporting. Gone were several 1964 defensive stalwarts who had ena bled the Bisons to keep the opposition from scoring too frequently and to fill their shoes were lanky, inex perienced youngsters. Going into almost every game as the underdog, the team earned a respectable 5-3-1 record and a tic for fourth place in the AlC. Going into the final game of the season, the Bisons could have gained a first-place ti e in the confer ence if they had won their final game and the two conferen ce leaders had each lost th eir final game. The terrifi c running of Howard, who was second in rushing in the AlC with 949 yards for the season, aid ed by the effective blocking of Mote and the offensive line and the running of Mote and Glass gave Harding the ability to move the ball. The defensive unit made up in desire and determination what they lacked in size and experience and al - lowed only 20 points to be scoren against them 111 t he last five games. 81