1965-1966 Yearbook

COACHING STAFF - DR . HARRY OLREE Director of Athletics The intercollegiate athletic program at Harding CollelSe is an integral part of the college prolSram under the direct control of a faculty athletic committee. Dr. Harry D. Olree, Chairman of th e Department of Phys ical Education and Health_ serves as Athleti c Director. Harding College is a member of the Arkansas Intercollegiate Athleti c Conference and th e Nationa l Association of Intercollegiate Athleti cs. Teams are fi elded in all nine sports sponsored by the AIC and for the 1964-65 season Harding Coll ege ranked fourth in the All -Spor ts contest while winning th e conference champi onship in cross-coun try_ bO\ding_and track. Coaching responsibilities are shared by eight men all of whom are regular faculty member s. John Prock is head football coach and he is assisted by Ted Altman_ backfield coach, and Ted Lloyd, line coach . HUISh Groover serves as head basketball coach and tennis coach, assisted by Ted Altman in basketball. Dr. R. T. Clark is .crosscountry coach and track coach, ass isted by Ted Lloyd in track. Ted Altman al so serves as baseball coach, Dr. Bob J . Gilliam coaches golf, M. E. Berryhill coach es bowling, and John Berryhill coaches swimming. The coach ing staff is assisted by students who serve as managers and train ers. 80 • JOHN PROCK Football HUGH GROOVER Basketball TED llOYD Fcotbal l and Track DR. B08 GILLIAM Golf DR. 'R. T. CLARK Cross-Country and Trock TED ALTMAN Baseball, Basketball, and Football M . E. BERRYHILL Bowling JOHN BERRYHilL Swimming