6 Weekly reports by economist Jerry Starr helps 10 keep the student body informed about events of world significance. Appreciation for the great economic and governmen tal sys tem of the United States is developed through regular classes, films, special lectures, and the American Studies seminars and tours. Faith in God, constitutional government, and a free-enter - pri se economy are stressed as the foundation p rinciples of the American sys tem which provides such a high level of personal freedom and an unexcelled measure of economi c prosperity. Students ar e imp ressed with the responsibility they have for becoming informed citizens and for providing leadership dur ing the impor tant years ahead. Through a study of history, political science, and economics they learn facts and concepts that will help them make wise business, political, and legislative decisions. Demonstrating unparalleled enthusiosm in quest for office, freshmen candidates gather in the SA office for the final tallying of voles.