Paula C. Peacock Merlin R. Prior Robert E. Rader, Jr. Sharyl Jolee Thayer Paula Peacock demonstrates her capabilities in several phases of college life. She is a math major from Tiptonville, Tenn . Crowned 1965 Homecoming Queen, Paula is a member of Alpha Chi and the SA ca binet. The queen of the Sub T-16 social club, she represents them as Petit Jean Queen attendant, and is a member of the Ju Go Ju social club. Talented and capa ble, Merlin Prior is a man of superior ability. A business administration major, he is the president of Alpha Chi and is a member of the A Cappella Chorus and Belles and Beaux. The r ecipient of the Ganus award for scholarship, Merlin is an American Studies student, and a member of the 1965 Marketing Management team. As our SA vice-president Bob Rader is vitally interested in world affairs. He debates intercollegiately, is a Young Republican, and is a member of Ameri can Studies. As a history major he has joined the Phi Alpha Theta history society and Pi Kappa Delta speech society. The Yorktown Indianan is a Galaxy social club member. JoLee Thayer is truly an accomplished musician. A transfer student from York College, she has received the outstanding music student award for two years. JoLee is a member of the Belles and Beaux and A Cappella Chorus, and is a favorite entertainer at banquets and other special occasions. As SA President. Dwayne Van Rheenen has a strong voice in student government. A Bible and speech major from Oskaloosa , Iowa, he served as co-chairman of the Mission Workshop. The varied activities in which he participates include Campus Players, Timoth y Club and Mohican social club. Dwayn e is the beau of th e Omega Phi social club. Jim Wilson, history and English major from Springfield, Mo ., has served as SA treasurer and is presently on the cabinet. He exhibits skill as a capable and sophisticated writer through his column in the Bison . A member of the A Cappella Chorus, he also is a participator in the American Studies and th e Chi Sigma Alpha social club. Dwayne Van Rheenan James W. Wilson