1965-1966 Yearbook

Donald H. John son WHO 'S WHO High standards, wide background achieve certification The associate editor of the Bison, Don Johnson, has been Petit Jean honor student for two years. The account ing major from Shreveport, La., is a junior and holds membership in the American Stud ies and Beta Phi Kappa social club. As an accounting major, Ken Johnson is on the Marketing Management Team and is a member of Pi Gamma Psi accounting club. As a freshman , Ken, whose home is Leavenworth, Kan., was vicepresident of his class. Ken is a member of TNT social club. Moll ie LaFevor is an active parllclpant in various campus activities. She lends her services as a member of the SA cabinet, SNEA, and Interclub Council. An elemen tary education major from Nashville, Tenn., Moll ie is a member of the Tri - Kappa socia l club. 1965 Petit Jean honor student Rella Martin Dean is an outstanding student academically . A genera l science major from Searcy, she is a member of the Al pha Chi honor society, and belongs to the Regina social club. Phil Merrell exhibi ts superior ability not only academically but athletically as well. A member of the cross-country and track teams, he is a chemistry major from Barberton, Ohio. Phil won a NSF summer undergraduate research grant last summer and works as a chemistry l ab assistant. Dennis Organ is a man of diversified ta lents. Coming from Shreveport, La., he is a math major and has been editor of the Bison for two years. Dennis is a member of the A Cappella and Belles and Beaux, as well as Alpha Chi and the Beta Phi Kappa social club. In the past he has been a member of the SA cabinet . 76 Ken l. Johnson Mollie Patricia LaFevor Retta Martin Dean Philip H. Merrell Denn is M ichael Organ