1965-1966 Yearbook

Earl D. Davidson Pat W. Hile J... lia Diane Huddleston Ben Milton Huey Clifton L Ganus III A leader among the girls on campus is elementary education major Marilyn Cobb. She is a member of Belles and Beaux, serves as president of Interclub Council, and ;,S past chairman of Big Sisters. Hailing from Springfield, Mo. , she i~ a member of Zeta Rho social club and is the Beta Phi Kappa club queen. Jacqueline Daniel is a competent student and a leader on campus. She is a member of Alpha Chi and, as a math major, Mu Sigma Gamma math club. Being dorm director for the academy girls takes up much of Jacque's time. The Bison business manager, Earl Davidson, contributes his time, energy, and outstanding ability in several areas of college activities. Ma - joring in Bible and speech, his home is in Montgomery, Ala. He is a member of TNT social club, Timothy Club, and A Cappella Chorus. Indicative of his many talents and interests are the organizations of which Cliff Ganus is a member. As a music major he is active in the A Cappella Chorus, Belles arid Beaux, and the band . .A member of Sub T-16 socia l club and Alpha Chi , he is also outstanding in dramatics . Cliff serves the SA this year as its treasurer. Friendly and efficient Pat Hile is a respected leader on campus. A Bible major from Fort Smith, he is vice· president of the senior class, a member of the Timothy Club, and is the religious activities chairman for the SA. Pat is a member of Chi Sigma Alpha social club. A drama student of superlative talent is Julie Huddleston. The English major from Nashville, Tenn., is a member of Campus Players, American Collegiate Players, and Alpha Psi Omega dramatics fraternity. She is a past member of the A Cappella Chorus and is in SMENC. Showing exceptional ability in the music field as well as other areas, Ben Huey is a member of the A Cappella Chorus, Belles and Beaux, and the band. A junior math major from Marysville, Ohio, he belongs to Beta Phi Kappa social club and the science club. 75