WHO 'S WHO Outstanding students . receive recognition for achievements Outstanding students receive one of the most coveted honors each year when, as campus leaders, they are chosen for recognition in Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. Who's Who candidates are chosen on the basis of character, scholarship, citizenship, service to the college, and potentiality for future usefulness to business and society. Jim Anderson, a psychology and Bible major from Watertown, S. D., exerts his leadership abilities as senior SA representative and president of the Beta Phi Kappa social club. Jim is a member of the A Cappella Chorus and is the club beau of Beta Tau Gamma. Enthusiastic Sherry Balthrop is a Bison cheerleader and the Mohican club queen. One of the four juniors elected to Who's Who, she is an English major from Fort Worth, Texas. Sherry shares her exceptional talents with all through the Campus Players and Belles and Beaux, and is a member of the Ko Jo Kai social club. Senior class president Tom Blucker is a general science major from North Little Rock. Tom, a member of TNT social club and the Pre-Med club, was chosen by the seniors as class favorite. Carol Bonnell, a home economics major from Doniphan, Mo., is a leader in many fields. Chosen as 1965 May Queen and 1966 Best All Around girl , many campus activities are witnesses to her interest in the college. As an active member of MEA social club, Les Bonnes du Christe, Latin American and British Columbia clubs, SNEA, Interclub Council and Colhecon, Carol is certainly kept busy. Vivacious Linda Byrd is another of the juniors to be elected to Who's Who . An active participator in the American Studies and Bison Boosters, Linda is a social science major from Little Rock. She was sophomore class favorite and is a member of the Regina social club as well as SA secretary. Virgini a Carolyn Bonnell linda Sue Byrd James O. And.rson Sherry h. Balthrop Thoma s O. Bluek.r Marilyn J. Cobb