1965-1966 Yearbook

SOPHOMORES Mike Frampton Pam Mullin s David Smith certa inly ex hibits ext raordinary l eadership ability as SA representative of the junior class and past president of hi s class. His attractive smile and amiable ways have won for him many fri ends and admirers. He impresses a ll with hi s since re inter est in each fellow student. Energetic Conni e Taylor actively partIcIpates in just about every phase of college life . From Belles and Beaux to SA work sh e spreads h er sunny smile and warm per sonality across th e campus. An ener ge tic fellow with a winning way is sophomore Mike Frampton. His likable personality and hi s considerati on for others have ca used th e soph omores to choose him as th eir favorite . Pam Mullin s· vivacious personality a nd unsel - fishness make her a friend to all. Always smiling. she brings sun shine into her classmates li ves. Her sparkling personality and natural beauty make Mary Beth Parks a delight to be with . Because of her enthusias ti c spirit and friendliness to all. Mary Beth is a favorite of the freshman class. Charm and friendliness go hand in hand with Ronni e Reeve. His su perior ability and hi gh ideals have won him th e respect of his classma tes and ca used them to el ec t him as their r epr esentati ve. CLASS FAVORITES FRESHMEN Ronnie Reeve Man' Beth Parks 73