Ret I,ng PresidenT George Benson presenTs to Wheeler Pounds a diploma wh ch represenTs four years of concentrated and sacrificing effort. GRADUATION Graduation exercises signal both an end and a beginning Facing a world filled with challenging opportunities and enormous responsibilities, graduates, diploma in hand, climax four years of hard work and unceasing effort. Graduation has many facets, some of which are the tearful partings with friends, the rejoicing with family on completion of college, and the contemplation of future eventualities. For many students it is the end of a formal academic career; for others it means the beginning of work toward an advanced degree; to some will come the ties of matrimony and the beginning of a family. The 1965 graduates were privileged to be a part of the resignation and retirement cermonies of Harding's long-time president, George S. Benson. Faced with the enormous and awesome r esponsibilities of leading the college forward was the new president, Dr. Clifton L. Ganus, Jr. , an alumnus and faculty member of the highest caliber .. Embarking on cOleers which will shope their future, graduates recall with fond memories the experiences they enjoyed 0$ students at Harding . • 61