1965-1966 Yearbook

Attendants to Queen Charlotte Burkett are Miss Doris Marris, nominee of the Lambda Sigmas, and M iss Koren Warren , nominee of the Mohicans . PETIT JEAN DAY Suspense filled year brought to climax as secrets revealed Yearbook secrets of the year are revealed at the annual presentation to the school of the Petit Jean in an impressive ceremony which marks the end of a year's work. After dedication ceremonies, the crowning of the Petit Jean Queen, and announcements of the class favorites, students hurry to various locations on the campus to receive their yearbook and excitedly thumb through it with an air of eager anticipation. Special events and remembrances are captured for everyone on the pages which help to recall the most significant happen - ings of the year. 58 Crowned Petit Jean Queen by Student Association President David Burks is M iss Charlotte BurkeTt , a sen ior from Portales, New Mex ico.