1965-1966 Yearbook

Or. Joe Pryor, Deon of the College, crowns Miss Carol Sannell, repre. Mntot,ve of the Mu Eta Adelphian social club, as 1965 M oy queen. MAY DAY Expression of grace, beauty exhibited by queen, attendants Crowning the q1l een of May and winding the Maypole are tradition al fes tiviti es for the welcoming in of spring on the H arding campus. Many early morning practi ce sessions go into this colorful and festive spectacl e which is sponsored by th e Ju Go Ju girls'socia l club . The identity of the queen is kept a Secr et until sh e steps onto the path leading to her throne, and th e Queen of May r eigns over the month in r egal splendor. May Day cer emonies and th e presenta tion of the campus beauties are events eagerl y anticipa ted by an admi r in!!," student body. With her young attendants be fore her, lovely Queen Corol Bonnell be· gi ns her reign over The monlh of May , clima)( ing months of prepa rat ion.