1965-1966 Yearbook

ENTERTAINMENT Lyceum productions feature best work of students, guests Var ied fo rms of enter tainmen t are brought t o Harding studen ts throu gh the Lyceum series, offering programs by professional per formers and presentations from the campus drama department . Music of differen t types and styles i s presented by well -known en terta iner s. Color, spectacle, and grandeur were combined las t spring in the college production of the musical Camelot . Termed as a truly grea t performance, Camelot gave Harding's drama and music departments deserved praise and r ecognition for outstand ing effort. Surrounded by admirers after an e)(ceptionol performance, harpist Miss Susanne McDonald grotefully acknowledges the compliments given her. Shakespeare's Midsummer Night' s Dream was brought to life on the Harding College stage by the drama department in Ihe lyceum series. Featu red in conjunclionwifh the Arkansos Symphony Orchestra, the Romero family, consisting of a father and his three sons of Spanish descent, entertained on appreciative mid·winter lyceum audience with classical guitor music. 54