With a generosity unequaled olmOSI anywhere, student conIri bUled almOSI one Ihousand doll s and lays wh ich were distributed 01 children 's homes, CHRISTMAS Mood of holiday cheer set by music, parties, and decorations Making the campus cheery and fes tive with holly, ribbons, mistletoe, and carols was the Student Association 's Christmas gift to both the students and the faculty. Students shared with their community and several children's homes by donating time and energy to th e Dolly and Toy Drives and the Food Basket collections. The weeks of preparation and anticipation culminated in a joyous Christmas party complete with jolly " Santa Claus Starr," an old-fashioned Christmas tree complete with trimmings, and refreshments served at the American Heritage Center cafeteria. 52 "SonIa Claus Sto rr" adjusl s his podding and suit in pre· paration for his grand appea rance 01 the Ch rislmas party,