1965-1966 Yearbook

o direCT menage -and a humarous approach, Hardi ng alumnus III Mclnleer lectured 10 an admi ring audience duri ng lectureship. visitors receive instruction inspiration from lectures Alumni , guests, and visitors literally came from over the world to Harding's annual ThanksLectures. This year's theme was "Christ in Age," with the special feature that all were Harding alumni. Highpoints of the thv!i ties included addresses during the day by speakers and each evening, special interest "ere devoted to certain age groups. The llalnk!lgi"i·ng barbecue for all, the season 's open - home basketball game witnessed by the cheerBison supporters, and various other events lh~ already busy week scheduled for the Thrilli ng lectureshi p guests, the Harding Bisons opened their home ba sketball season with a close victory over lRU. 51