Backed by the bond, pep squad, and cheerleaders, football aficionados enthusiastically cheered the team on to a Homecoming day victory . HOMECOMING Homecoming filled with thrills as excitement instills campus As the alumni came home, hi gh excitment was in the air, and annual Homecoming activities began. These included a chili supper at Wyldewood Park, a bonfire and pep rally a t Bee Rock, a thrilling car caravan, and the Saturday afternoon foot - ball game at which the queen was crowned during a suspense-filled half-time ceremony. A movie and a party celebrating our victory over the Millsaps Majors, sponsored by th e Student Associa tion, were a fiting end to this exciting week which culminated the long hours of effort that went into the preparation of these activities. By working on the throne , volunteers Pat Hile, Keith Straughn, and Vickie Mitchell help prepare decorations for Homecoming activities. Queen Paulo Peacock was attended by Ann Hedrick and Ca rol Prucha, Coral Bonnell, Martha K. Crider, Dionne Holder, and Mary Beth Parks.