PLEDGEWEEK To Ihi' pledge, rough initiation includes an inlroduction 10 speciol delicacies peculiar to his club . Worrisome week makes weary pledges want re~t from work The seemingly endless week of pledging activi - ties was climaxed vvith formal and informal initia - tions, various Student Association-sponsor ed activi - ties, and Homecoming celebrations. Informal initia - tion, often referred to as " rough initiation," appeared in such forms as kangaroo courts, hikes through unknown territory, and bunking parties. This was the hardest part of the exhausting week-long activities planned for pledges by pledgmasters. Candlelight ceremonies at which club vows were repeated and appropriate scriptures r ead were impressive, meaningful finales for each club member. Reggie Berry enjoys the privileges of be ing a pledgemaster for a week by having lowly pledge Von Horris dust off his shoes.