• Providing a chance for new and old students to meet each other and thei r student government, the Student Association sponsored severo I mixers . BEGINNING OF SCHOOL Beginning of school brings the of excitement . experiences The halls and sirlewalks of the campu s buzzed again as excited freshmen and tran sfer students arrived , and the old-group r enewed fri end ships and memories of past times. The information booth , student mixers provided by th e Student Association, and r efreshments during the long hours of counseling and registration helped ease th e agony of that "ice-breaker" for the new year. Freshmen were soon initiated into the art of politics as upperclassmen vied for class offices. The new arri vals were able to try th eir hand at the game a week later when they campaignerl for class and Student Association offices. Meeting Bob Coburn, transfer student Raymond Green finds it easy to make acquaintances and adjust to a new campus at Harding College. Waiting in the registration line for the opporTun ity to gather their closs co rds are tired and weary freshman entrants. 44