1965-1966 Yearbook

RELIGIOUS LIFE Enthusiastic pursuit of reliideals typifies students . glous With their sights on the path that leads to a more excellent life, Harding students participate in the many religious activities offered for the ir spiritual growth. Mission clubs are an intel1;ral part of social activities. Devotionals around the lily pool led by different boys' clubs are a weekly event. Each Sunday a group of students si n p; h ymn s at the local home for sen ior citizens. This year mor e than 1,000 students and l1;ues ts arrived on campus from oth er colleges to partici· pate in a student· directed mi ss ion workshop. It was des igned to cncoura~c every stud ent to be a mi ss ionary for Christ r ep;a rdl ess of what field of academi c study h e entered. Symbolic of the purpose of the mission workshop , to preach Christ to all the world, the globe buih by student lobor provided on appealing edifice.