Or. Bob Gilliam' , ,eminor for sen ior psychology ma jors encou rages group discussion of directed readings and ind ividual research projects. ACADEMIC LIFE Lectures and labs facilitate knowledge retention Shokespeore's literature becomes al ive as Dr. l. C. Sears provides bockground information on the life and t imes of the poet to students. Numerous pre-professional curricula are available to students . The two-year pre-engineering program prepares students well in English, mathematics, chemistry, physics and technical drawing. An increasing number of pre-medical science students are finding that the Harding program gives them an excellent foundati on for medical, dentaL pharmacy or nursing school. Business ' administration majors have been very successful in passing their CPA examinations soon after graduation. The team research program directed by Dr. R. T. Clark provides students with unique opportunities for research experience in th e life sciences. Appl icat ion of monetary theory and bank ing princi ples provides impetus for informa l cla ssroom bra instorming sessions for economics ma iors, 39