Effectiveness in both oral and written communica tion is developed in students so that they can convey ideas to others. Through a study of psychology and health education students learn about the functioning of the mind and the body. The entire program is integrated by a study of the Bible which gives direction, purpose and meaning to life. High scores achieved by sophomores on the STEP tes t and by seniors on the Area Test of the Graduate Record Examination indicate the quality of the general education program. Building upon the sound liberal arts base, students obtain depth of knowledge in a chosen area through one of the 35 major programs provided. A dynamic faculty alert to the advances in knowledge and techniques in the respective fields and dedicated to providing each student the best learning experiences possible. guides students in their quest for knowledge. Whether working with children in the nursery school, conducting a research project in th e natural sciences, painting in different media in the art studio, making a sociological survey in town . doing critical research in the library, preparing audio-visual materials for a class presenta - tion. composing an original musical lyric, casting ACADEMIC LIFE Instructor Bob Privitt enriches the artistic understanding of Mike Boyd and Faye Brewer by fostering proficiency in fundamentals of design. High goals stimulate intellectual achievement Util izing his understand ing of the theory of equat ions, David Pace e)(h ibits his mathematical proficiency in college algebra . 36 Supervised clin ical pract ice in speech correction gives Dwight Pierce valuable experience in therapy oreas tought by competent specialists.