1965-1966 Yearbook

Home economics ma jors Betlye Wokef ield, Sandi Stone , ond Joan Howard learn fo apply art 10 fhe home a s they complete and d isploy their projects during home furnishings lob. Skill in using modern office machines prepares Lois Reiboldt for a business education career. ACADEMIC LIFE Higher enrollment necessitates larger curriculum In an age in which the quantity of knowledge in many fields is doubling about every twelve years, the pursuit of excellence in academic endeavor has become a necessity for all college students r a ther than the privilege of the r elatively few intellectuals. The general educa tion program at Hard ing College is design ed to give students a breadth of knowledge that will enable them to function as intelligent citizens in a democratic society. All of the divisions of the college are involved in this facet of the academic program. Through a study of the humanities students become acquainted with the gr eat literary and philosophical writings of the past and the great productions in art and music that have endured through the ages. Through a study of the social sciences the student learns about the great issues that were involved in the development of western Europe and the United States and the grave problems that now exist in international relations. The basic courses in the natural sciences acquaint the student with the history and methodology of science and basic concepts in both the biological physical sciences. 34 Patiently working to balance his ledger sheet, John White solves a typical problem he w ill have as on occounlqnf In the business world .