1965-1966 Yearbook

Lily Hays, BA, Secretary, Dean of the College Rosten F. Head, Director, West Hall Susan Hine r, Bookkeeper, Business Office Barbara House, Secretory, Education and Psychology Letha Huddleston, Secretary, Academy Ruby Jane s, SS, Director, Cathcart Hall Alice Ann Kellar, Assistant Director, Publications Ann Ke ll ey, Secretory, Academy Edith Kise r, Secretory, Vice-President for Research Dixie McCorkle, Manager, College Inn Mildred McCoy, Secretory, Placement Office Clarence McDanie l, Manager, Laundry and Cleaners Emilie Mille r, Secretory, Personnel Office Lela Oliver, PBX Operator Donna Morgan , Secretory, L.orary Edwina Pace, Secretory, President of the College W. T. Pearson , Const ructon Superintendent Guy Petway, Manager, American Heritage Center Charlene Prock, Assistant Post Mistress, Station A Hubert Pulley, Grounds Foreman Greg Rhodes, Transportation Officer Gloria Reynold s, CT, Research Assistant Harry S. Ri singe r, Maintenance Department and Pilot Barbara Robe rt son, LPN, Assistant Nurse Joyce Rushton, Secretory, Bookstore Russell L. Simmons, Di rector, Pub lications Sharon Si xemore, Secreto ry, Ha rding Press Herman Spurlock, SA, Chief Engineer Robert Street, Manager, College Forms Sharon Thoma s, Secretory, American Studies Jonice Thomason, Assistant Cashier, Business Office Suford Tucker, Executive Secretory, Alumni Assoc. Elbert Turman , Boiler Plant Manager Lee Unde rwood, MS, Accountant, Bus iness Office Sernie l . Vines, Student Work Supervisor Herman Wes t, Manager, Hording Press Snow White, BS, Research Associate Linda Young , IN, Co-Director of Health Center Pat Young , SA, Cashier, Business Office Linda Youree , Assistant Cashier, Business Office 33