1965-1966 Yearbook

STAff Harding staff members aid smooth operations of campus A vital part of the efficient operation of Harding College is played by the many staff workers wh o keep the va riou s phases of operation working smoothly at all times. They plan and prepare meals in the cafeterias, place the mail in the substation boxes, do the secreta ria l work in campus offices, mai ntain the buildings, look after the physical welfar e of studen ts, tell the Harding story through news media. and perform many other srrvlces. Peggie Baker, as, Secretory, Bible Deportment Re beccQ Bake r, Secretory, Personnel Office Ruth Be arde n. Accoun tant, Business Office John E. Be rryhill . Jr" BA, Director, Armst rong Hall Rh eba Berryhill , BA, Secretary, library Judith Bond , BA , Secretary, Dean of Students Bonn ie Brawner, RN , Co-Director of Health Cenfer Will iam Bridges, as, Accountant, Business Office Tommie Brown , Post Office, Stot ion A Clerk Marilyn Buechi , Secretory, Publicity and Publications Corinne Burke. BA , Library Ass istant Eddie R. Campbe ll , MAT, Field Representative Ruth Ell en Clark, Secretory, J. D. Boles Dori s Coward , BA , Secretary, Alumni Office Te resa Cu ts hall , Invoice Clerk, Business Office C. Floyd Daniel , BS , Director of Development Margaret Dean, Manager, Mailing Room Lawrence Dean, Pressman, Harding College Press Billie Diles, Secretary, Development Office Ge rtrude Dykes, Manager, College Bookstore John Lee Dyices, MS, Director, Student Center Latina Dykes, BS, Secretory, Business Manager Oti s Edge, Director, East Hall Merle Elliott , Shipping and Receiving Clerk Opal Fre nch , Post Mistress, Station A Raymond French , Maintenance Deportment Brenda Glass, Secreto ry, Vice-President for Research Ruth Goodwin, Director, Kendall Hall Maxine Hager, Stock Clerk and Moil Order Corinne H. Hart , Dietitian, Director of Food Service 32 Photog rapher Russ Simmons of the publici ty deportment perfo rms one o f his many services as he snaps pictu res fo r ID co rd s at reg istrot ion .