1965-1966 Yearbook

.... I. Anderson, MA Jerome M. Barnes, MAT Billy Cox, MBA , CPA, TDA Instructor Instructor Assistant Professor Political Science Social Science Business Administration Accounting l E. Pryor , MA Associate Professor EIT'.er itus Geography Geneva Lawyer, BA Raymond Muncy, MA Instructor Assistant Professor Secretarial Science History Dallas Roberts, MA Joe 1. Segraves, MA Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Politicol Science History Ermal Tucker, MS Billy Verkler, MS Charles Walker, MS Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Instructor Business Educotion Sociology Business Administrotion students in the business deportment, working with secretary Sherry Wait. SOCIAL SCIENCE Social Sciences build strong foundations in American ideas Integrating the work of the various fields included in the Division of Social Science is the American Studies Program directed by Billy Ray Cox. Bi-weekly seminars and a week-long study trip each semester provide students with a basic understanding of the economic, business, political. and industrial life of the United States. Dr. James A. Hedrick, Professor of Accounting, is ac ting as chairman of the division and also of the Department of Business and Economics whi le Dr. Roy vVellborne is on leave this year serving as president of Siom( Empire College in Iowa. Raymond Muncy was promoted to Chairman of the Department of History and Social Science when Dr. Clifton L. Ganus, Jr., was appointed president of the college. Charles Walker, who has a graduate empha sis in marketing, joined the Harding faculty in September. Mr. Cox and Jerry Starr coach a team of business majors who participate in the Executive Games sponsored by Michigan State University. In the spri ng of 1965 the team received second place in national competition .