Tid M. Altman, MA Assistant Professor PhYSical Educotion Bob J. Gilliam, EdO Associa te Professor Psychology Cecil M. Beck, MA Assistant Professor Physical Education Hugh Groover, MA Assistant Professor Physical Education Winnie Bell , MAtS Assistant l ibraria n Ted Lloyd, MS Instructor Physical Education M. E. Berryhill , MA Professor Physical Education Maude Montgomery, MA Assistant Professor Education Shirley Birdsall , MSlS librarian Harry Olree, Edo Professor Physical Education Bob J. Corbin , MEd Instructor Physical Education John Prock, MT Assistant Professor Physical Education Wayne Puckett , EdO Marjorie Ryan, BA Clarence Sanden, BA E. G. Sewell , PhD W. K. Summitt, PhD Gene Talbert, MEd Murrey Wil son , MA Associate Professor Instructor Director Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistont Professor Education Phys ico l Educat ion Audio·Visual Services Education Psychology Educat ion Education Dr. Ed Sewell, chairman of the education deportment, counsels w ith Dione Holder enacting one of the many respons ibilities of his office. EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Education faculty enc?urages and instructs future teachers College students of today will be the teachers, leaders, and decision makers of tomorrow. In an age characterized by rapid change, it is imperative that students receive both a broad background in the liberal arts and in-depth specialization in a ch osen field. Each year more than 100 sen iors at Harding certify to teach . The teacher education program is CATE-approved Dr. Edward G. Sewell was appointed Chairman of the Department of Education and Psychology following the death of Dr. W. K. Summitt on October 2. Dr. Harry Olree serves as Chairman of the Department of Physical Education and Athletic Director. Gene Talbert in elementary education and Bob Corbin in physical education are the new members of this division . 27