1965-1966 Yearbook

Herff- Jones Company 1205 Tony Dri ve Jone sboro , Arkansas BILL S. BROW N Representat ive The Professional People Salute the Students of Harding College Drs. Garrison and Fl ipp in Optome tr is ts Dr. Robert J . Dacus Optometr is t Port e r Rodgers Hospital Dr. G eorge W . Br idg e s Ch i ropractor Searcy Clin ic Dr . Lee A. Biggs O ptomet r is t SEARCY STEEL COMPANY P. O. Box 1007 SEARCY, ARKANSAS Serving Hardi ng students and faculty si nce 1934, the SEARCY BANK has always been the bank of friend ly service. 200 We.t Race THE SEARCY BANK Phone CH 5-2461 287