1965-1966 Yearbook

ANDERSON'S GRILL Excellent banquet facili t ies are lust one reason why ANDERSON 'S GRill is so popular with Harding students. THE SOUTHWESTERN COMPANY Publishers 286 I WORKING WITH , COLLEGE STUDENTS SINce 1868 2968 Foster Creighton Orive NASHVillE, TENNESSEE Best Wishes WESTERN PAPER COMPANY 500 East Second Street LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS BEL -MAR MOTEL The Bel-MAR MOTEL, located adjacent to Anderson 's Grill , offers the best in overnight accommodations . ACME Material Company, Inc. Crush ed Rock for All Purposes P. O. Box 586 Bald Knob , Arkansa s PHONE PARKVIEW 4·3262 HELPING BU:LD ARKANSAS ~ARKANSAS / PO_ER & LIGHT -;I COMPANY .. fLP'N G eUII.o "~K"'NS"S