BIBLE Bible faculty influences our lives in class and on campus "To give students an educa tion of hi gh quality which will l ead to an understanding and a philosophy of life consistent with Christ ia n ideal s" is th e ob jective of Harding College . Da ily study of th e Bible as part of th e coll ege curriculum · in classes taught by scholarly, dedica ted men who beli eve that Christ is " the way, th e truth and th e l ife'· helps to implement this a im. Lec tureships, seminar s, and workshops supplement th e r egul a r academ ic progr am . William Joe H acker , Jr. , Cha i rm an of th e Depa rtmen t of Bible, was on l eave thi s yea r working toward th e doctorate in reli g ious educa tion and Cona rd I-l ays coordinated th e work of the depa rtment as Assistant Chairman . Assistan t Professor John McRay exemplifies Ihe excellent teachi ng of God's word offered to all students by the Harding Bible Departmen t. Gathered for Ihe annual Harding lectureship, hundreds of visi tors joi n with students in Ihe Thanksgiving doy's trad itional barbecue dinner. James R. Alle n, MRE Assistant Professor Bible James D. Bales. PhD Professor Christian' Doctr ine Leslie Burke, MA Professo r Greek a nd Hebrew William Joe Hacker, MRE Assistant Professor Religious Education Earl Conard Hays, BD Associate Professar Bible and Church History Robert Helslen, MA Assistant Professo r Bible John Robert McRoy, MA Assistant Professor Bible Neale Thomas Pryor, ThM Assistant Professor Bible Andy T. Rit chie , MA Assistan t Professor Bible Ja ck Wood Sears, PhD Professor Bible