1965-1966 Yearbook

LOTT TUCKER, BA ADMINISTRATION LOTT TUCKER'S sound judgm ent and financial leader ship ha ve been important fac tors in the development of the ex panding Ha rdi ng plan t. Responsibile for new construction as well as fi scal control on both the Searcy and Memph is campuses, Mr. Tucker must use a vari ety of skill s in his position as Business Manager . Though the pressures of business and dec isionma king are intense, Mr. Tucker manages to keep a calm appearance, a level head, and an alert_ understanding frame of mind . An active Kiwani an, h e h as been a leader in the community as a former club president and on the campus as a Circle K sponsor . Unselfishness and d iligence cha rac terize the work of Harding'S BOARD OF T RUSTEES. With the bes t inter est of the college and its studen ts in mind_ th ese men have l ed the school forward for ma ny yea rs. The sa ti sfact io n of promotin g Chri stian education is the rewa rd for th ese outs tanding men, who arc leaders in va rious profess iona l fi elds. Led by Dr. H ouston T . Kam es_ the Board sets the policy of the college and advises the admini - stration on many fin anc ial , educa ti onaL and ad - nlin istrat ive problenl s. Successful , dedi cated CJlri stians, these men a re interes ted in each H a rdi ng studenl as they l end va luable ass istance in ,nany ways 10 lmp" ove 1h (' rolleg-e in all face ts of it s wor k. Growth and development sparks administration BOARD Of TRUSTEES. SEATED: O len Hendr ix, Jim Bil l M ci nTeer , l OU IS Green , r. J. M cReynolds, lemon John son , J. A. Thompson, flonoy Alexander , John Boldwin, Harold Cogburn . STANDING· W . l Howard. Rlchord Fuller, Cli fton Ganus , Jr., Jome s Cone , HousTon Karnes, George Benson