1965-1966 Yearbook

PARRISH JEWELRY Bonded Lovebr,ght Diamonds Sterlmg, Chino & Crystal " THE PLACE TO GO FOR BRANDS YOU KNOW" Court Square Searcy, Arkan sa s STEWART'S Feminine Apparel It's always a pleasure to serve our Harding patrons . 106 North Spring SEARCY SPORT SHOP Jim Thompson "It Pays to Play" WHOLESALE - RETAIL Hunfing - Fishing - Athlet ic - Morine Supplies 1801 East Race Ave . CH 5-3756 266 Dick Walker and Linda Johnson relax in the RENDEZVOUS· p leasant atmosphere a s a waitre ss takes their order. Bowling at WHITE COUNTY LANES is a port of Harding life for larry Yurcho , a s it is for many students.