1965-1966 Yearbook

As Harding's Dean of Women MRS. INEZ PICKENS is vitally interested in every young woman on campus and is anxious to encourage them in every possible way. An able teacher , Mrs. Pickens has instructed hundreds of students in English during h er years of service at the Harding Academy. She is director of Pattie Cobb Hall, the home of one hundred Harding women, and she is active in the Searcy chapter of A.A.U.W. as well as in Harding Business and Professional Women. Her warm smile, easy manner, and exemplification of Harding ideals are appreciated by students and her interest and respect for others make her an important member of the faculty. Moking pIons for graduate study with ~enior Joe Belew, Vi rgil Beckett performs one of his many services for students as reg istrar of Harding. Our Registrar is a vital member of Harding's administrative team. VIRGIL BECKETT serves in countless ways to assure the accurate and efficient handling of important school records and reports. Though a busy man, Mr. Beckett always takes time to coun sel and direct students who respect his advice about graduate study and other future plans . Students find pleasure in talking with an admini - strator whose smile and wit can ease some of the tensions which mount during hec tic college weeks. Mr. Beckett and his wife are active civic workers, are interested in all Bison sports, and are zea lous workers in the College Church of Christ. His in - terests arc many, yet his enthusia sm never wanes. He find s relaxation from hi s strenuous work through working in his yard, playing a round of golf, or fishing in one of the many lakes near Searcy with some of his friends . 24 INEZ PICKENS, BA VIRGil BECKETT, SA