ADMINISTRATION JOSEPH E. PRYOR, PhD DR. JOSEPH E. PRYOR, Dean of Harding College, possesses keen intelligence, an untiring capacity for work, and a humble spirit. As academic dean, Dr. Pryor co-ordinates the entire college curriculum. His abilities to manage, to persuade, and to guide enable him to complete the mountainous tasks which confront him each day. Serving capably as a coordinator of the North Central Association Liberal Arts Study Program, Dr. Pryor visits several colleges each year to assist them in self-study programs. "Dr. Joe" also serves as Secretary-Treasurer of Region II of Alpha Chi, President of the Department of Higher Education of the Arkansas Education Association, and is Harding's faculty representative to the Arkansas Intercollegiate Athletic Association. An excellen t teacher, Dr. Pryor explains the problems and wonder of physical science to his classes each semester. Each year he gives valuable assistance to the Petit Jean as faculty advisor. Keen sense of responsibility guides our officers VIRGil LAWYER, MA Harding's Dean of Students and Director of Admissions is a winsome rccruitor, an able administrator, and a competent advisor. VIRGIL LAWYER works each day for Harding, whether on the Searcy campus or in hundreds of other towns and cities in the search for high caliber students who might be interested in Christian education. In studen t recruitment he is ably assisted by Eddie R. Campbell. President of Harding's Alumni Association, Virgil Lawyer keeps in contact with thousands of former students on every part of th e globe. Because it is important that Harding students feel welcome and "at home" during the first weeks of the fall semester, Dean Lawyer's wit and keen intelligence enable him to cope with every situation and problem that arises. An avid sports fan, Mr. Lawyer sponsors the Bison Boosters and lends a guiding hand to TNT men as they participate in intramural activities. 23