1965-1966 Yearbook

DR. H. T. CLAHK is well known to every Harding stud ent because of his wide range of college interes ts and hi s ability to inspire enthusiasm in students and teach ers. As Vi ce-President in ch arge of the research program in the life sciences, Dr. Clark is r es ponsible Jor directing the r esea rch laboratory, presenting the Harding stor y to research foundation s, and bringing di stingui shed scientists to the campus. Hi s ability to persuade others makes him an especially good ambassador to r epresent the college. Dr. Clark is an outstanding teacher of biology and he teaches a sect ion of freshman biology each semes ter . An authority on important phases of space medi c ine and tra vel, Dr. Clark is an interesting l ecturer and a brilliant conversationalist. Coach of AlC champion ship team s in both track and cross-country, fath er of three H arding students, dynami c lecturer, and noted r esea rch er, Dr. Clark is a va luabl e l eader and a loyal alumnus. Addressing on attentive Harding freshman closs, Dr. R. T. Clark: reveals in teresting facets of science, by relating his professiona l experiences. 22 ROBERT T. CLARK, JR ., PhD Heading the complex research program, Dr. Clark di rects the activities necessary to learn the effects of oxygen in ouler space on humans.