1965-1966 Yearbook

President Clifton l. Gonu$, Jr ., backed by fellow leaders in educa t ion, embarks upon a new epoch of his life as president of Harding College. ADMINISTRATION Retirement and inauguration brings new leader The first lady at his side, President Ganus is honored by hundreds of friends and colleagues at the inaugu ral banquet following his induction. The pomp and pageantry of the formal inauguration of Dr. Clifton Loyd Ganus, Jr. , !IS president of Harding College on September 18, 1965, impressed all present with the great responsibilities and terrific demands of the office. Representatives from more than 175 colleges, universities, learned societies, and professional organizations in academic regalia added dignity to the impressive ceremony presided over by Dr. Houston T. Kames, president of the board. Greetings were brought by distinguish ed educa tors and President Ganus outlined the goals of his administration in an impressive inaugural address . Dr. David W. Mullins, president of the University of Arkansas, addressed the 600 guests at the inaugural dinner for which Jim Bill Mclnteer, a Harding alumnus and board member, served in a superb manner as master of ceremonies and Vernal Ri chardson and Ann Sewell played a violin-piano number. Louis Green, another Harding alumnus and board member, served as master of ceremonies of the inaugural luncheon at which the Belles and Beaux entertained magnificiently. 21