1965-1966 Yearbook

DEDICATION The '66 senior class dedicates Petit Jean to Mr. Larry M. Bills Through your guidance, many students have r cceiyed th e honor and joy of being a m ember of th e Harding Aca demy A Cappella Chorus, Becau se of your ability as a choral director. th e chorus has maintained an out standing record a nd has been nblc to ta ke it s mcssa~c of song into th e li ves of count less peo ple. All of your time given to us in da il y rchca rsal s. your pati ence. ,your confid ence - fo r all th is we. th e seni or class of 1966. are gra teful and dedi ca tc our porti on of th€' Petit Jean to you . '.11". La rry Bills. Along with the choral work don e in the Academv. )1r . Bills was elec ted Arkansas School Vocal Assoc ia ti on President and has been thi s di stri ct' s c hai rma n for th e past t\\"o yea rs. Among hi s o th er duti es are tea ching Bible and mu sic. direc tin g th e JuniOl" I-figh Chorus and Large Chortl s. and sllpr r visinl! thr Junior High Rand. MeeTing w,rh The A Cappello aT seven."nirty for rehearsal each school doy morning s only one of many dody oCl:v ';es Mr 8dl s performs 224 - Mr . larry M. Bill s, BA Pla y ing the new ro le of a fa ther olong w i th be ing a husband , Mr. Bills di splo ys g reo t dedico tion to his w ife Soro o nd boby gi rl Robi n Gole.