Dr. George Stuart Benson guided the destinies of Harding College as president from September, 1936, to June, 1965, when he retired as president of the college. During these 29 years he worked untiringly and unceasingly to develop an excellent physical plant, to raise a substantial endowment, to develop a strong faculty, to promote the aims and objectives of the college, to gain accreditation for the academic program, and to disseminate the values of Christian education. A dynamo of energy and optimism, Dr. Benson raised 30 million dollars during his tenure as president. A fluent and forceful speaker in constant demand by leading civic groups across the nation, he received national recognition for his clear and forthri ght presentation of the values of the freeen terprise economic sys tem, cons titutional government,and faith in God.An effective gospel preacher and a zea lous promoter of world evangelism, Dr. Benson has probably done more than any other man of his genera ti on to promote the spread of undenominational New Testament Christianity. The campus of Harding College today stands as a monumen t to Dr. Benson - to his belief in Christian educa ti on, his love for young people, and hi s success ful labor. Dr. David W. Mullins, president of the University of Arkansas, extends congratulations 10 President Ganus following inauguration ceremonies. 20 Ending a twenty-nine year lenure as president of Harding College, Dr. George S. Benson presented his final address before hundreds, Dr. Benson, President Emeritus, jovially tolks with President Ganus and President D. W. Mullins of the U. of A. following the inauguration.