ADMINISTRATION Harding's new president well - trained for role leading the processional of the commencement exerci ses, Dr. Ganus op. pIOr, conf ident that the graduating sen iors will prove useful citizens. Checking on the arrangements for the Thanksg iving dinner, Dr. Ga nus Is anured by Mr. Pulley thol the day's activities will run smoothly. DR. CLIFTON LOYD GANUS, JR. , H a rding's new president, is a man of purpose and dedi ca tion. Professionally trained and broadly educated, Dr. Ganus directs the complex Harding program with th e confidence and skill that befits a southern gentleman , a scholar, and a Chri sti an . President Ganus r eceived the Ph .D. degree in American hi story from Tulane Univer s ity and subsequently did a year of pos t-doctor a l study in college admini stra tion a t Columbia Uni versity. H e is a world traveler and hi s views on government policies and world situa tions ar e sought by students and civic l eaders throughout the na tion . A graduate of Harding College, Dr. Ganus has already given 19 years of dedi ca ted servi ce to hi s alma mater as teacher and admini strator . Involved in every facet of Harding's program, he works hard , plays hard, and administer s wi sely . Witty , understanding, and inter es ted in other s, President Ganus is an excellent example of the modern Ameri can leader. A for ceful spea ker and a good listener, his very a ppeara nce resol ves doubts and simplifies prohlems w hi ch a ri se each nay on a busy campus. Cha irman of the Harding Board of Directors, Dr. Houston T. Karnes , chats with President Ganus during the annual lecture ~h ip activities. 19