1965-1966 Yearbook

REPRESENTATIVES . SEATED: linda Spears, Senior; Connie Taylor, Junior. STANO· ING: Jim Anderson, Sen ior; M i ke Whi taker, Freshman; Carolyn M edea ris, Sophomore; Ken Sto rr, Sophomore; David Smith, Junior. Acquainting sTudenTS wa iTing in regisTration line with one of the many services provided by the SA, senior representaTive Jim Anderson will ingly tokes his Turn at the front of The line CABINET MEMBERS. SEATED: Charlolle Humphreys, AdverTisements . STANDING, Kyle Smock, Movies; Paula Peacock, Off·Campus Activities; Jim Miller, Athletics; Merlin Prior, Academics; Darwin Keichline, Elect ions. Faculty advisor of the SA, Dr. Bob Gilliam helps campus leaders coordinote SA activities wi t h administration a ims.