1965-1966 Yearbook

Executing the plans made during pre-school orientation sessions, the Student Association sponsored activies during the first week that included welcoming new students and planning student mixers which provided fun, food, and fellowship. At the annual watermelon party which intwduced the Bison Pep Band, folkster Synette Hubbard and jokesters Bob Adams and Bob Helsten entertained the enthusiastic crowd. The Christmas party put everyone in a holiday spirit. The dolls and toys presented to the different orphan homes showed only a small part of each student's desire to help others. Food baskets were prepared by students in each wing of every dormitory. These were presented to needy families in Searcy before students left for home and the holidays. Interesting and entertaining Saturday night movies, sponsored by the SA, relaxed and enlivened study-weary audiences. Composed entirely of students, the SA coordinates all student-administration on-campus activities and provides valuable assistance in promoting many varied worthwhile projects. STUDENT ASSOCIATION President Dwayne Van Rheenen expertly directs varied activities and programs of the Student Association with confidence, skill, and lact. SA sets goals and objectives at new high levels Maintenance of the SA bulletin board is one of Clifton Ganus responsibly disburses and records the responsibilities of Secretory lindo Byrd. alJ monthly expenditures incurred by the SA. 198 Working closely with Dwayne, Vice- President Bob Roder oversees committee assignments.