1965-1966 Yearbook

ALPHA CHI Paula Celeste Peacock Mathemat iCS Dorothy Slinkard Pie rce Busi ness Educat ion M erlin Rex Prio r Bus iness Adm inistrat ion Carol. Jean Steckle r Elementary Education Jerry Franklin Tate Mathematics Dwa yne Da le Van Rheenen Spee ch and Bible Harold Allen Walke r Ma themat iCs Robert Earl West Mathematics James Warren Wilson History and Engl ish Achievements recognized superior students • In AI a meet ing called to plan induction ceremonies for second seme ster members , Alpha Ch i Pre sident Denn is Organ leads the discuss ion . Implementing the attainment of academic excellence is one of the prima ry fun ctions of a liberal arts college. Recognition of those students who achieve high scholarship promotes the high academic goals of the college. In the winter of 1936 the Alpha Honor Society was organi zed as a local society to reward high scholastic a ttainment on the part of students and to promote high academic achievement on the campus. In th e fall of 1956 the local honor society petitioned the Na tional Council of Alpha Chi , a na tional h onor sch olarship society, for the establishment of a ch apter on the Hardin g campus and the Arkansas Eta Chapter of Alpha Chi was installed on March 1, 195 7. Membersh ip in the Arkansas Eta Chapter requires that a junior h ave achieved at least a 3. 70 grade average on a minimum of 80 semester h ours and that a senior have achieved at least a 3.50 average on a minimum of 104 semes ter hours. New members are inducted n car the beginning of each semester with an impressive ceremony conducted by the faculty spon sors and a dinner hon or ing the ne\-, memb0TS foll"""< each induction . 195