', pipers trans form the campus in to a holiday wonderland us ing brigh t evergreen, sparkl ing ligh ts, JUNIORS Volunteers decorate to create holiday cheer Ronn Lambe rt Wickliffe, Ky. Erl e ne Marie Laney . Linda Lou Lawre nce Broken Arrow, Oklo. Pont iac, Mich Suzanne Royne Le orne d Harrisburg, III. Lovonne Le rou x St. louis, Mo. Horry Albe rt Li sle Canyon, Tex Reto J eonne llo yd Spring Hill, Kan Linda Lo ck lar lexington, Ky. Philip Max Lo re n z Wichita, Kan Nancy Su e McBurney Kingman, Kan. Jone t Elo in e McCloud Lafayette, Ind Charles Woyne McCull oug h Solem, Ark. Pau l Edw ard McDoniet East Poi nt , Go. Ivan McKinney Lake Vil lage , Ark Wi lti om R. Malone Alington Heights, III. Ve lva June Marteney Liberal, Kan Ja mes Mossey Rog e r Edward Masse y James W. Mathe ne y Martha Je an Mathis David Jon Mo xon Horold f loyd Me re d ith John Roy Mortin Me rr itt Char tes E. Mille r N. Linda Faye Mille r De anna Be th Mill s Ca ro lyn Su e Moore Joyce Ann e Moore Kansas City, Mo. Wheeling, W. Va. Morril ton , Ark . Dothan, Ala. Eust is, Neb. Hazelh ur st, Miss. Searcy, Ark little Rock, Ark. Rockdale, Tex Searcy, Ark De l Ria, Tex. Phoenix, Ark. Springfield, Mo. Boli"ar, Ten n . Mi chael Edward Moo re James Will iam Moss Sondro Je an Moye r Barbara Ann Nee ly Be tt y Lou ise Nei de rer Me rr y Ly nn Ne lso n Re becca Ruth Nicks West Pta ins, Mo. Vandalia, 0 York, Po. Ho lland, Mich. Fort Wo·th, Tex 173