1965-1966 Yearbook

ElIlending a sincere welcome to student representatives Dwayne Von Rheenen. Ron Young. and Bob Roder is 8ill Cox, one of the hos l ~ for the inaugural dinner. SENIORS Posing for her portrait, senior Pot McMackin portiei pates in one of the final activities of college life A whirl of activities surround student's last year ALLEN NANCE HUDGENS, Searcy, Ark.; Bible; Transfer from York College; Timothy Club 3,4, EDDY JO HUGHES, Searcy , Ark .; Elementary Education; Regina 1,2,3,4; Class Sec. 1; Petit Jean 1; Dactylology 1; lalin American Club 4; British Columbia Club 1,2; A Cappello 1; Chorale 2,3; Belles & Beaux 1; SNEA 1,3.4; Bison Booslers 1; Inlromural Sports 1,2. MARGORIE LOU JACQUES, Okolona, Ark.; Home Economics; OEGE 1,2, Treos. 2: Kappa Delto 3,4, Reporter 3; May Court 3; SA Cobinet 1; A Cappello 1,2,3,4; Chorale 1; Belles & Beaux 2,3,4. SHARON SUE JENNETTE, Smyrna , Tenn .; History; European Club 1,2; Chorale 2,4; Bison Boosters 1. DARLISS elAINE JOHNSON , Pangburn , Ark.; Elementary Education; Transfer from Arkansas State Junior College; SNEA 4. KENNETH l. JOHNSON , Leavenworth , Kan .; Accounting; TNT 2,3,4; Alpha Chi 4; Class Vice· Pres. 1; Bison Boosters 2; Pi Gamma Psi 3,4; American Studies 3,4; Intramural Spor ts 1,2,3, AII·Star Basketball 1,2,3. MARY JOHNSON , Reyno , Ark. ; Elementary Education; Regina 1,2,3, Pres. 3, Vice· Pres. 2, Reporter 1; Homecoming Attendant 2; Closs Favor ite 1,2; Chorale 1,2; SNEA 1,2,3,4; Bison Boosters 2,3. STENNIS JOHNSON, Steens, Mi ss.; Accounting; Chi Sigma Alpha 1,2,3, 4; Campus Players 1,2,3,4, Treas. 3; Alpha Psi Omega 2,3,4, Vice-Pres. 3, Pres. 4 ; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4 , All-Star Softball 2,3,4; American Collegiate Players 4. MICKEY JONES , Gulfport. Mis s.; Elementary Education; Transfer from Texas A & I College; Ko inonia 2,3,4, Sec.-Treas. 2,3, Sargeant- at. Arms 4; Dactylology 2,3,4, Pres. 3,4; Bond 2; SNEA 4 ; Var~ify Club 4; Intercollegiate Golf 3,4 ; Intramural Sports 2,3,4, AII·Star Basketball 3. PATSY ANN JONES, 'New Albany, Miss .; Elementary Education; Transfe r from Freed-Hardeman College; MEA 3,4; African Club 4; Dactylology 4; European Club 4; Northern lights 4; Montreal Club 3; SNEA 3,4 ; Bison Booste rs 4 ; OCAPA 4. ALICE ALLYN KARNES, Kevil , Ky.; Physical Education; Transfer from FreedHardeman College; MEA 3,4, Devotional Leader 3, Sec. 4; May Queen Nominee 4 ; SNEA 4; PEMM 4 ; les Bonnes Du Christe 4. JIMMY WAYNE KEE, King of Prussia, Pa .; Biology; Transfer from Northeastern Christian College; Koinon ia 3,4; Pre·Med 4 ; Intercollegiate Track 3 ,4; Inframural Sports 3, AII·Star Football 3. 160